- Partendo dalla “Belle Epoque” per arrivare al “2010” e contro ogni canone della moda, un solo tessuto attraversa 100 anni di storia della moda, arriva a giorni nostri ed è sempre attuale. Cambiando solo gli accessori, ma utilizzando sempre lo stesso tessuto, si ripropone l’immagine di una donna che ad ogni nuovo decennio ha un nuovo abito sempre alla moda. Tutto lo spettacolo e supportato da musiche, coreografie, modi di sfilare e video proiezioni che ricordano: i personaggi, gli eventi che hanno caratterizzato ogni decennio e ovviamente la moda.

- Starting from ” La Belle Epoque” to get to “2010” and against all canon of fashion, a single fabric goes through 100 years of fashion history, reaches the present day and is always current. By changing only the accessories, but always using the same fabric, the image of a woman is proposed again, who has a new fashionable dress every new decade. The whole show is supported by music, choreography, ways of showing and video projections that recall: the characters, the events that have characterized each decade and obviously fashion.

1910 – The evolution of this fabric begins with a creation dedicated to the ladies of “LA BELLE EPOQUE”

1920/30 – The same black fabric becomes the rich shawl of a “FLAPPER GIRL”

1940 – A tribute to the decade that sees the birth of “GLAMOUR”

1950 – Narrow waist and fluffy skirts as required by the “NEW LOOK by CHRISTIAN DIOR”

1960 – White is added to the black fabric to relive the characteristic of the “OPTICAL” effect

1970 – Everyone in the disco to dance Disco Music with “ELEPHANT BELL PANTS”

1980 – The perfect decade to remember “PUNK” and “Gigantic Shoulder Pads”

1990 – Women rediscover femininity and the myth of “TOP MODEL” is born

2000 – A century ends and fashion is combined with “PC” technology